No topic like mine should go without some sort of warning to the potential reader.
I'm fairly certain that many of you fine folks who surf their way to this site are going to be friends and family of myself or Greg. It is important that you all acknowledge that this is my own personal point of view: My side of the story. So I Married A Gay Man was created to give me an outlet for my memories. Details are accurate to the best of my ability -- as true as possibly can be and are verified via logged MSN chats, e-mails and state & court documents. Please understand that my interpretation of this information will obviously shine through. What can I say, I'm biased in my own favor. Blame human nature.
Being able to express the feelings I've gone through over the past year takes a huge weight off my shoulders and really assists in the process of moving on with life. That said, I'm not sharing this story to try to sway your feelings for one or both of us. If you love Greg, continue to love him. If you love me, for the love of god, please continue to do so. I need it. I feel the support and caring from my friends and family on a daily basis and that is what gives me the strength to keep on plugging along through life in my happy and upbeat manner. YOUR LOVE IS MY LIFE-MANA!
So I Married A Gay Man's purpose is to tell a true, but anonymous story. Other than mentioning first names, I'm not going to be including personal information that should identify myself or Greg to the average random visitor. It's vital that our personal lives be protected in that manner as our futures unfold. Friends and family obviously know us and will recognize bits and pieces of the story as it is told. Outsiders need not know anything more than what I choose to share with the world. Sidenote: The comment option on this site is going to be disabled. While I do respect people's right to agree or disagree with what I share here, this isn't the place for such things.
Its my website, dammit! I can do what I want! :D